Hotel Ramada Graz
Seering 10 · 8141 Premstätten
Steiermark · Austria
Phone: +43 316 8077 – 0
There are countless occasions and occasions that call for a festive setting. Birthdays, weddings, christenings, anniversaries, company and Christmas parties – at the Hotel Ramada Graz you can celebrate everything as you please and undisturbed until the early hours of the morning.
During a personal consultation, we will guide you through the hotel and discuss all the important points with you. According to your wishes and ideas, we will organise a wonderful celebration for you.
And if it gets late, you can simply spend the night relaxing in one of our 114 newly renovated rooms.
One must celebrate…
… when one has the chance.
For all those who want to get married, you can find more information here.
Our Convention Coordinator – Sandra Schober – will be happy to advise you.
Phone: +43 316 8077 – 605